Susanville – 30 South Roop Street

LCT 4:7:79203
30 South Roop Street, Susanville, 1979.

Only two structures were built on this lot. The first was the residence built in the mid-1870s, and that structure stands today at 250 South Roop Street.

In the 1920s saw the invasion of chain stores to Susanville. They were met with mixed reaction. No matter what your opinion they were here to stay.

In 1939 the residence was moved to its current location to 250 South Roop Street.  It was replaced with the current structure which when completed housed Susanville’s first Western Auto. Business was so good it had to move to larger quarters on Main Street.  Since then it has a few different occupants. For many years, it was the office of Dr. C.I. Burnett. It was also the dentist office of Dr. Frank  Packwood. In 1979 for a brief period it was the home of the Lassen County Times. Since then it has been the office of Carol Curry, CPA.

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One thought on “Susanville – 30 South Roop Street”

  1. Hello there! I am so excited I found this site. I really appreciate you taking the time to share all this history with us. That being said my parents used to own 70 S. Roop and I was wondering if You had any information on that house? I absolutely loved living in that house so any information about the history would be greatly appreciated.

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