A Two Beer Limit

Fruit Growers Camp Harvey Commissary, 1947–FGS Company

While yesterday we explored Rev. Parsons’ attempt to make Susanville a “dry” town” the Fruit Growers Supply Company did something unusual in their logging camps after Prohibition. Fruit Growers in their logging camps did something radical—they served beer.  However, since it was known many loggers over indulged in alcoholic  beverages away from camp, Fruit Growers was well aware of that fact. However, Fruit Growers’ policy then understood the value of taking care of your employees, they reciprocated the same to their employer.. To prevent any kind of over indulgence, one could only have two beers. As a preventive measure, for some one to sneak passed that limit, one was served the two beers at the beginning. People who worked in those Fruit Growers logging camps that I interviewed stated there were no issues or associated problems with the beer. There were some that thought. it was a nice amenity and stated how well they were treated by the company.



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