The following account appeared in the Lassen Advocate’s Christmas Edition of December 14, 1923 that I thought some people may find of interest.
”About two years ago a small band of stray Elks got together in Susanville and decided that to properly carry out the wonderful principles of Elkdom a campaign would have to be launched to increase the little band’s numbers. This was done and a class of about forty good fellows were then taken into the Reno Lodge. A year later another class was taken in about the same size.
”Shortly after this the Antlers Club was organized and this property was purchased for the Antlers Clubhouse. The general plan of the building and the wonderful location, together with street improvements made it an ideal proposition to the purpose. It is admired by all city visitors and lately has become the social center of any events of the County.
”The fondest dreams of the members of the Antlers Club are about to be realized by turning their clubhouse into a Elks home. A charter has been applied for to the Grand Exalted Ruler, and has 162 members that are located here have signed the petition agreeing that as soon as the charter for a lodge in Susanville to demit from the Lodge which they belong and become charter members of a Susanville Lodge. In addition, about 100 good fellows are ready to join the herd.”