Lassen Farm Bureau News

Sunflower demonstration on the A.F. Babcock Ranch, Bieber, 1923

During the 1920s, the Lassen Farm Bureau published weekly all the agricultural news of the county. All the rural communities had their own “Farm Center,” that held regular meetings to discuss a wide variety of topics. M.D. Collins who was the farm advisor then, kept very busy.  Here are two items, that some may find of interest.

May 1926 – J.H. McClure, assistant freight and passenger agent for the Southern Pacific with offices in Reno, spent two days in Lassen County this week. Mr. McClure states they are now giving Lassen County service in freight that has never been excelled. Freight leaving Reno in the evening arrives in Susanville the next morning. Mr. McClure states that an iced car is leaving Susanville twice a week to carry Lassen County products to the lower country markets. The service is being pushed to the highest possible degree of efficiency and the farmers will be able this season to ship out their products under better conditions than of former years. The rate on potatoes was reduced last fall.

May 1926 – Jack Menser, Arthur Kenyon and Peter Gerig, committeemen for the Big Valley flour mill, report that the money is being paid quite satisfactorily and it is hoped the larger portion will be collected in the near future. Alfred Jacks is ready to make the mill purchase as soon as the money is available.

August 1926 – The Big Valley flour committee has collected $2,450 of the $2,500 required to get the mill. The mill is being ordered by Alfred Jacks who is constructing the new building in which to house the machinery. Big Valley will have another flour mill for operation this fall.

September 1926 – The Red River Lumber Company has built a new hay barn near the dairy buildings which has a capacity  of 1000 tons of hay. The barn is practically full of hay at the present time. Other improvements have been made around the dairy barns and the market milk station. New  corrals for the dairy cows and feed racks are being installed.


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