Susanville’s Liberty Pole

Susanville’s Liberty Pole, 1917

On Sunday, May 6, 1917 a Loyalty Day at Westwood was held. One of the features was a large American Flag was hoisted on top of the box factory. It was a prelude of the United States entry into World War I.  As a number of Susanville residents were attendance at the Westwood event, they decided to move forward with their own “Liberty Pole.”

On Tuesday, June 5, 1917, a sixty-foot tall flag poll had already been placed at the west end of Susanville’s Main Street.  It was time for a flag raising. It was  low key affair—with the blare of a bugle and some lusty cheers when Old Glory was raised.

It should be noted, since that time, there has always been a flag pole at that location.



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