Some Camp Fire Permit History

Happy campers at Eagle Lake, 1914.

In the early 1900s, saw the creation of the national forest reserves, that became the national forest. Each national forest had wide authority on regulating forest use. A classic example occurred in 1920 between the Lassen and Plumas National Forests. In the spring of 1920, the Plumas National Forest made camp fire permits mandatory, while the Lassen did not. The Plumas National Forest issued the following statement:

”The camp fire permit requirement is one move in an intensive campaign conducted by the forest service for the prevention, detection and suppression of fires during the coming summer. Following a succession of years in which the precipitation has been deficient, this season finds the forest service on highly flammable condition and the greatest possible care is imperative in the use of fire in the woods.”

Eagle Lake campers, 1920—D.M. Durst



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