Antlers Investment Company

In 1921, a group of Susanville businessmen wanted to form a local Elks Lodge. While they were an enthusiastic group, they had a formidable challenge. One of the requirements from Elks’ organization that a community must have a population greater than 5,000 inhabitants. While Susanville in the last several years witnessed tremendous growth, the City of Susanville’s boundaries did not include where the growth occurred. The confines of the city was rather small the area from Pine Street to the west to Weatherlow Street as the eastern border.

Not to be undaunted, these men formed an Antlers Club, a first step towards a subsequent Elks Lodge in the future. They were an ambitious lot. On February 23, 1922 they formed a stock company—the Antlers Investment Company. There goal was to raise $25,000 with each share at a par value $100. The next order of business to purchase a clubhouse for the future lodge. They set their sights on the Swain residence at the west end of Main Street that overlooks that boulevard. In 1922, they reached an agreement with Annie Swain, the owner, to purchase it. She sold it to Antlers Investment Company for $13,000. However, she retained a parcel adjoining to the south in which she would build a new home.

With everything in place, it would still be a few years before a local Elks Lodge would become a reality.


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