Susanville’s Memorial Park

Memorial Park, 1948

In 1887, the movement for a pubic park for Susanville made its debut. While a mere hamlet of less than 200 souls, made this quite remarkable. It would not be an easy undertaking, as it would take sixty years to make it a reality. At that time, the residents offered to purchase an 80 acre tract for a park and fairgrounds for $5,000. It was their intent to turn it over to the County. They approached the Board of Supervisors to form a park district and assess a taxy levy for maintenance. The Board rejected the proposal.

In the spring of 1928 the local Rotary Club got on the park bandwagon. They set their site on the Folsom Tract behind the recently built American Legion Memorial Hall. While their intent was admirable, they just could not get the needed traction to move forward. It would not be until after World War II before a municipal park would become a reality. Again, the focus was on the Folsom Tract, now owned by Cyril & Eleanor Houghton. The asking price $7,000. In November 1946 a Park Planning Board had been created. By February 1, 1947 they had raised the money and on March 12, 1947, the property was now owned by the City.

However, there was still another hurdle. The City did not have the funds to make the improvements. The community stepped up to the challenge to purchase trees, shrubbery, a children’s wading pool  and of course to construct a grandstand to watch baseball games.

On July 3, 1949 dedication ceremonies were held for Susanville’s Memorial Park. As Judge Ben Curler, Lassen County Superior Court, as opening speaker, simply stated that is was a “truly community park” for the efforts made by the volunteers.


One thought on “Susanville’s Memorial Park”

  1. Tim, I’ve been reading through Candelaria, Nevada’s newspapers looking for information on an old saloon there. Yesterday, I came across a short news item in the October, 16, 1886 issue of the “True Fissure” newspaper – – – “The young ladies of Susanville, California have organized a baseball club.” Just fyi.


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