Susanville’s Main Street snow berms

Main Street, Susanville, 1922.

Prior to 1922, there was no snow removal in Susanville. There were several factors at play. One most people were not dependent on an automobile for transportation, there were still an abundant of horse drawn sleighs to navigate any deep snow. On the other hand, Susanville had experienced a major transformation with paved streets, curbs, gutters and sidewalks. This was paid for with a special tax assessment with the property owners, many of whom were not happy with the situation. The citizens demanded some form of snow removal.

The city had a slight problem to comply with the request of its inhabitants—they had no equipment. Luckily, the county road department came to the city’s aid and plowed Main Street pushing the snow to the center of the street. In 1933, the city turned over Main Street to the State Highway Department, who continues with the same snow plowing practices.

Main Street, Susanville, 1952.

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