Model Laundry—The Wife Saving Station

Model Laundry’s Certificate of Co-Partnerhsip

My how times have changed. Take for instance this 1923 advertisement for Susanville’s Model Laundry:

“Men do all the washing at this Laundry. No woman could do the job. We would not let them. They’d break down in a hurry. The work is too hard—too heavy—too continuous—too tiresome. Sheets, bed spreads, pillow cases, so on, that weigh only a couple of pounds when dry come out of the tub ten times heavier and it takes a pretty husky woman to pull loads like this back and forth. Let Men and Machines do the RUBBING and SCRUBBING.”

435 Roop Street and the remains of Model Laundry., September 3, 2018

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