An Eagle Lake CCC Camp?

The outlet construction camp of the Bly Tunnel, 1922. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

In 1935, Lassen County officials requested a third Civilian Conservation Corp Camp (CCC). This would function a bit differently.  What they sought was a CCC Camp at Eagle Lake to assist with the beleaguered Bly Tunnel and the Tule and Baxter Creek Irrigation Districts. It was their contention after all that a CCC camp could provide work on the tunnel that was necessary to prevent further bankruptcies of the farmers and ranchers involved with the districts. The camp could also provide much needed labor for the canal and siphon system in the Honey Lake Valley that distributed the water. The county’s request was denied, but government officials were somewhat sympathetic and stated some limited manpower might be available from time to time from the Secret Valley CCC camp.

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P.S. – For Lassen County residents, today, one can receive a free flu shot at a drive through clinic at the Lassen County Fairgrounds.

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