B.F. Loomis and a story of jury duty

One of the many photographs Loomis took in June 1914

We are fortunate to have a bounty of museums in our region. Each one unique in their own special way. Equally important, all of them are worthy of a visit. Since this is July, there is no better time like the present to check them out.

One of the oldest museums is Loomis, located near the northern entrance of Lassen Volcanic National Park. Its founder, B.F. Loomis had an interesting association with the region. Actually, how the museum came to be is as intriguing as Loomis.

Initially, Loomis’ origins were rather typical of the era. He was born in Illinois and came to California as a child with his parents who settled in Tehama County. In 1874, Loomis had his first exposure in the area later to be destined Lassen Park. It was a camping trip to Manzanita Lake. The region suited him well and took up residence in nearby Viola. He made a living making wooden shakes, commonly used as roofing material. As he prospered he established a hotel at Viola.

In 1897, an event dramatically transformed his life—jury duty. Off to Redding Loomis went and there he met fellow jurist Leander V. Loomis. While the two men were not related, they both shared an interest in phrenology and astronomy. During a trial recess, Leander invited B.F. to his home. During his stay met Leander’s daughter, Estella. A romance ensued and they were married that fall. Leander had another child that influenced B.F.—Arthur who was a commercial photographer. Arthur introduced B.F. to the world of photography and years later B.F.’s photographs became widely known.

The next life changing event for B.F. Loomis came on June 14, 1914 after one of the volcanic eruptions of Lassen Peak. With camera in tow Loomis, as did other photographers captured the event on film. It should be noted the initial eruption occurred on May 30 and word spread like wildfire. Multiple news organizations were dispatched to report on the first active volcano in the continental United States. Loomis’ timing was impeccable and various news outlets used his images and Loomis gained a certain notoriety.


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