Purdy Brothers Logging Co.

Logging could be hazardous to one’s health.

My father, Leroy W. Purdy was born on March 7, 1927 at Susanville’s Riverside Hospital. Seasoned readers will recall that he was a colorful character back in the day.

Leroy spent most of his life in logging. His first hand introduction was logging at Red River Lumber Company’s Camp Harvey, with his best friend and future brother-in-law, Bob Rea. When his brother, James, returned to Susanville after World War II, they formed a partnership known as Purdy Brothers Logging. Times were really good for fifteen years, and then the Black Widow entered the picture. Their world came crushing down, and the partnership dissolved.

Leroy continued a solo logging career, later forming L&M Logging. Those days I remember well, spending many summers working out in the woods growing up. My father noticed my enthusiasm which eventually, I received a stern lecture from him, “No son of mine is going to be a logger.” With that career option gone, who knew later I would be writing the history of the logging industry among other topics.


3 thoughts on “Purdy Brothers Logging Co.”

  1. We lived across Gold Run Road (in Susanville) from Leroy’s “pit”. He was a great neighbor and good friend. As a young GM tasked with managing one of the towns two sawmills, I fondly recall Friday nights at the Black Rock Tavern listening to Leroy’s hilarious stories. What a guy!

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