Wrede Hotel – Standish

Wrede Hotel. Courtesy of Dorothy Story

One of the first buildings constructed at Standish was known as Pringle Hall when it was built in 1898 by James Pringle. Upon the completion of the hall Pringle joked that it was his Opera House.

In 1905 Pringle began a complete renovation of the hall. He converted it into a hotel and enlarged the structure by quite a bit. The renovated building had a frontage of 86 feet and a depth of 60 feet versus the original dimensions of a 60 foot frontage and a depth of 30 feet. The first floor contained a store, restaurant and a branch office of the Bank of Lassen County. In 1908, Pringle sold the hotel to Frank Wrede for $2,772.05, the amount he owed on the mortgage. Wrede continued with the hotel for the remainder of his life, though by the 1930s, the hotel rooms received little use.

Standish Branch of the Bank of Lassen County inside the Wrede Hotel

In the summer of 1937, Virgil McClure (Wrede’s son-in-law) announced his intentions to tear down the Wrede Hotel and replace it with a restaurant and bar.  For whatever reason, he procrastinated and did not do the demolition until the fall of 1942. McClure, however, never carried out his original intention and it remained a vacant lot for many years.


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