Would You?

A view of Buntingville, November, 1980.

What would you do if if you found a can containing gold coins in a field? That was dilemma for Charles E. Spoon in January 1906 when he found a can containing $280 in gold coins. Spoon was renting the H.J. Martin place near Buntingville where he made the find. It was speculated that some one had buried it a long time ago, and that the previous occupant, G.W. Reynolds* unearthed it when digging a post hole, but never examined it. It remained undisturbed until it was found by Spoon. In attempt to find the owner, Spoon placed a legal notice in the Lassen Advocate, though no one ever came forward.

*Reynolds was a cousin to Claude Heard, the founder of Heards Market.

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One thought on “Would You?”

  1. I went to school there ‘54/5/6.
    Great place to grow up!
    We had “hand crank” telephones.
    From there we moved to Milford, another “one room schoolhouse “.

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