Who was here first syndrome

A gathering of Maidu women at Johnstonville, 1900

The way the local Native American community bickers amongst each either, puts most family feuds to shame.  Two topics of discourse is territorial boundaries and the contentious who was here first.    Of course,  not just from a historian standpoint, but as I have blood related cousins who are part of the local Native American community,  it is just plain amusing to watch the antics.

Both the Maidu and Paiute have done a fantastic job concerning “over reach” with federal agencies, even concerning lands not within boundaries that they had in the past never claimed. A classic example is the south end of Eagle Lake—the Maidu in recent years have claimed Papoose Meadows as “sacred.”  What perplexes me then, the victims of the 1866 massacre there were Paiute.



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