Where Are We—Smoke Creek Ranch

Smoke Creek Ranch, June 26, 2023

The Smoke Creek Ranch located near the California-Nevada border is one of the oldest ranches in Nevada. On May 30, 1857, T.T. Kingsbury claimed the property. In the 1860s, he followed by W.V. Kingsbury  (no relation) who had a trading post there. Business was brisk because of not only located along the Noble Emigrant Trail, but there was also military encampment nearby.

Smoke Creek Ranch, September 29, 1979

Theodore Winters an early settler of Washoe Valley, Nevada acquired Smoke Creek as part of his ranching empire. In 1884, his son, George Winters purchased the Shinn Ranch located on the upper portion of Smoke Creek. One of the next owners were the Pon Brothers. Then there was Patrick Flanigan and Rees T. Jenkins outfit among others. In 1949, Albert Freeman, had the reservoir constructed on Smoke Creek that straddles the stateline, not that farm from the ranch house compound. Of course, I am always seeking information about this place as well as the Smoke Creek Desert in general.

It should be duly noted that this was the location of the Roop Post Office that operated from 1894 to1924, when operations were transferred to Wendel.



One thought on “Where Are We—Smoke Creek Ranch”

  1. My aunt and cousin rented the smaller house at smoke creel ranch. In the 70 s then some time later still in the 70 s the bigger house the smaller house had been shot up with a gun and done a lot of damage to the inside making it unliveable. I lived it there

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