When Christmas is a burden . . .

Christmas, 1917, in the Swain home, better known today as the Susanville Elks Lodge. Pictured are the Swain Children: Fitzhugh, Nellie, Blanche and Frances. Courtesy of Frances Swain

The full caption is “When Christmas Is A Burden And Not A Blessing,” was a short piece from Susanville’s Lassen Mail of December 6, 1929. It is a timely article that I thought worth sharing.

“Whether you have a happy, peaceful Christmas, enjoying the real meaning of the day or a much overworked and disturbed time, depends on the individual. So many of us overdo in the gift giving which is really only conventional giving and sometimes in bad taste. To give a little gift with no thought of ‘exchange’ but with a desire to show remembrance is a good thing. But in no case should one tax their means to such an extent that there is worry and ‘paying up’ for the next month. Sometimes a good home-made pie or cake is more acceptable to the friend who perhaps has much more means than we have, than a costly something. They can buy a costly something but perhaps they cannot bake a good home-made mince or pumpkin pie.”



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