In 1914 when Lassen Peak blew its top, so to speak, it became a media spectacle, not just locally, but a national and international sensation. Of course, the surrounding communities/counties of Lassen Peak took full advantage of the free publicity made available. Of course, Susanville/Lassen County was of no exception, especially since the county and the peak shared the same name. Examples where when the Lassen Industrial Bank used a photograph of eruption on their checks, while the Susanville newspaper the Lassen Advocate incorporated it into its masthead.
A little bit of irony back in the 1950s when the Lassen County logo made its debut, shows Lassen Peak in the background. It should be duly noted that Lassen Peak is located in Shasta County.
When I was a kid, it bugged me that Lassen Peak was outside Lassen County. And man, I wanted to see it erupt to bad!