Virginia’s Black Face Controversy

Susanville resident, Fred Brockman, dawning a black face for a 1918 event.

If you have been following the national news, then you aware of the Virginia governor linked to a “black face photograph” in his college yearbook.

So you maybe thinking, what does this have to do with Lassen County history.  In the annals of its history, it is something that was part of the culture across the country over a century ago. Take for instance that on Thanksgiving Day 1900, the Milford Dramatic Club held its first entertainment—a Coon Dance.  While attendees were not required to dawn a “black face,” those who wanted to participate in the “Cake Walk” were required. The cost for attendees was $2.00 that included a midnight supper, and to pay for Susanville’s Pastime Orchestra, who provided the music.


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