
Susan River Canyon, 1920. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner
Susan River Canyon, 1920. Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

First and foremost today marks my six month anniversary from my fall from grace and the broken hip. Progress is made every week, and I am now walking on my own,  without the aid of a cane or any other apparatus.  However, I am not ready for prime time just yet.

The St. Patrick’s Cemetery Tour is a go. Working on some of the details, so stay tuned.

One subscriber had a request for the brochure on the markers along the Bizz Johnson Trail. I hope to get that scanned and placed online as a PDF file.  This got me to pondering about doing a walking tour from South Lassen Street to Trestle 3. There was a lot of activity in that short stretch from the jungles, Arnold Ditch, first hospital and so forth. If you are interested you can always drop me a line or post a comment.

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