The Restdale Cemetery Petition

Honey Lake Cemetery, June 4, 1978

Most people never heard of this cemetery, and even fewer have ever been there. It is a remnant of the homestead era of eastern Honey Lake Valley. Known today as the Honey Lake Cemetery, it was originally named Restdale Cemetery.

In October 1914, Stacy resident Charles Baker died on his homestead and was buried near there on property owned by Mary Caudle. On November 3, 1914, Mary Caudle donated the property (1.1 acres) to Lassen County. At the same time, residents of the area presented a petition to the Lassen County Board of Supervisors to make it a public cemetery. The petitioned was signed by 16 residents of Stacy, 10 from Calneva and two from Amedee.  The petition stated: “We deem the establishment of said cemetery for the best interests of the public well-fare, and absolutely necessary. The nearest public cemetery for the residents of this district is days drive away.”  Later in November, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors approved the creation of the cemetery.

Honey Lake, Cemetery, 2018

An item of note included in the deed was the covenant that if the property was no longer used as a burial ground the property would revert back to Caudle.





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