The Origins of Doyle, California

The Western Pacific Depot, Doyle, 1915. Courtesy of Suzanne Pratt

It was slow as molasses, for the evolution of Doyle proper. In 1859, John W. Doyle settled approximately two miles of the town that would eventually named him. He did not lived to see it, as he died in 1892.

In what would be considered Doyle proper, it  was the stage stop known as Willow Ranch dating back to the 1870s. On June 6, 1888 the troubled the NCO Railway reached Willow Ranch and established a station called Long Valley. Nothing unusual, since John Doyle operated the Long Valley Post Office.

John W. Doyle (1832-1892). Courtesy of the Nevada Historical Society

Another railroad, namely the Western Pacific, was the catalyst of the development of the town.  When that railroad passed through they named their station Doyle. On January 28, 1909, the Doyle Post Office was established. It was not until 1911, that the townsite was surveyed.

Winje’s Emporium, Doyle—January 25, 2020


3 thoughts on “The Origins of Doyle, California”

  1. The building looks familar, but the name Winje’s Emporium does not. Was this the Dixon”s store in the 60’s?

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