The Original Antelope Grade

Antelope Grade, 1921–Lola Tanner

Confusion happens, Since, many topics,I know so well, I can omit information, not intentionally. During the Ask Tim segment  the issue of Antelope Grade was a prime example. What I wrote about last fall was the construction of the grade during the 1940s, the road we know today. What I neglected was information about the original grade. which I will now correct that matter.

In 1867, a crude wagon road was constructed over Antelope. It should be noted prior to then, and even afterwards the preferred route north was via Rice Canyon Road. With the discovery of gold at Hayden Hill and the increased settlement of Big Valley the travelling public clamored for improvements to the grade. In the fall of 1878, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors sent a survey crew to plot a new road over the mountain. The county estimated the cost of the new grade at $1,000. Of that amount individuals had already contributed $300 to the cause. The county budgeted $300. The county stated the balance would have to come from donations. A campaign to raise funds from Big Valley and Hayden Hill provided the balance. By the summer of 1879, most of the work was completed, with volunteer labor making up the workforce.


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