The Naming of Lookout, Modoc County

Lookout, 1940

Naming of a locale can be an interesting tale, and Lookout is of no exception. For those not familiar with Lookout, it is located in Big Valley, on the Modoc County side, north of Bieber. It is for better or worse known the Leventon Blacksmith Shop and the 1901 Lookout Lynchings.

Near what would become Lookout is a small bluff above the Pit
River. The Indians had a camp there for several reasons, one of which it provided them a grand view of the area, i.e. a look out. Early Anglo settlers referred to it as Indian Look Out.

By 1874, a nucleus of a settlement had transpired. So much, in fact a post office was established named Riverside. It was short lived. In 1880, the Brownell Brothers who operated a general merchandise store in nearby Bieber, deemed it worthy enough to establish a second store at Riverside. According, to folklore, they had the fore runner of Burma Shave signs, and had signs posted “Look Out for our Store.”

The final version had to due with establishing a post office in 1879, as the Riverside was defunct.  According to one account, a committee of Bob Whitely, Samuel Breeding, John Marcus, Peter Robinson and W.D. Morris were assigned the task to come up with a name. They climbed the hill where the former Indian encampment was located and Breeding stated, “This makes a good look out.” Thus, the name Lookout was submitted to the postal authorities and Lookout became the name.

Finally, I want thank a friend and fellow colleague, the late Lois Potter who provided a bulk of the information. She worked hard to preserve the history of Big Valley.

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