The Lassen Naming Issue

SS Peter Lassen

The one thing that irked Asa Fairfield, author Fairfield’s Pioneer History of Lassen County (1916), was so many so many landmarks, as well as institutions were named after Peter Lassen. Fairfield lamented Susanville’s founder, Isaac Roop deserved that kind of stature for all his worthy accomplishments in the early years during the settlement of the region.

It was a good thing that Fairfield was not alive during World War II when a battleship was named after Lassen. During World War II, the United States constructed thousands of Liberty Ships. These vessels were named after individuals who had a role in the nation’s history. On April 7, 1944, the SS Peter Lassen was launched. In 1947, it was decommissioned and sold; and in 1968 scrapped.


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