Its been nearly a half a century since the Mapes family sold their well known ranch located east of Litchfield to the Five Dot Land & Cattle Company. Like the Dodge Ranch on the Madeline Plains, the Mapes Ranch still retains its name, even though no longer owed by the family.
The ranch’s early history is interesting, once owned by the Shaffer Brothers in the 1860s—hence the origin of the name Shaffer Mountain. For a time it was owned by John D. Kelley and Hiram Winchell. Dissolving their partnership was a bitter dispute that required litigation in the Lassen County Superior Court. On June 30, 1885 the ranch was sold at public auction. It was purchased by Sierra Valley rancher, George W. Mapes for$11,000. The sale included all the livestock and farming equipment.
George hired his brother, Ira C. Mapes to manage the ranch. George was involved in a variety. of affairs including the Washoe County Bank. When the 1893 financial crisis hit, to protect his interest he transferred the Honey Lake property to Ira. It would take years for the economy to recover and in the meantime Ira passed away. Ira’s family refused to deed back the ranch to George. End of story.
You don’t mention that George Washington Mapes was the father of Charles Maspes and grandfather of Charles Mapes Jr of Mapes Casino fame.
I am doing a presentation at the Nevada Museum of Art about a horseback trip Maynard Dixon and Ed Borein made in 1901 from Oakland through Carson City, Susanville, Alturas and Cedarville to the P ranch and into Idaho. There are a number of sketches done by Dixon on Longs ranch. I am having a hard time finding information about Long’s ranch, exact location, history etc. Can you help. There is one drawing done at Shumway, on Horse Lake. They were in Alturas in June 1901 for the Lookout lynching grand jury proceerings.