The Christmas Edition, 1928

Illustration of the Christmas Edition, Lassen Mail, December 14, 1928

Lassen Mail, December 14, 1928- “Making the Most of Christmas. One of the truest sayings in life is that you receive a proportion of what you give, be it in word, deed, thought or material things.

”Those who have lived a full life—who have tasted the sweetness of success, the bitterness of failure, the nectar of joy and the vinegar of sorrow, claim that getting the most out of Christmas is in giving.

”Remembering the poor on Christmas day is one of the most effective means of getting the most out of the anniversary of the birth of Christ. And aside from the satisfied feeling within that you have done something worth while, every dime that you give to charity will be returned to you ten times over. This fact has been proven in every day life and it is doubly emphasized at Christmas time, the greatest and most joyous holiday of the year.

”There is something missing in the make-up of those who not get a real thrill out of Christmas giving—the tieing up of packages with ribbon on them—the writing of names on cards—the knowledge that someone will be ‘surprised’ and made happy.

”What you give willingly in the name of charity shall be returned to you one hundred fold.”


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