The Buntingville Breeze

A view of Buntingville, November, 1980.

The Buntingville Breeze was one of those short-lived parody publications. When it made its debut in May 1899 the editor went by the non-deplume Spot Cash Sockettuem. The following issue revealed the editor’s identity as Mike Phillips, the town’s only merchant. It never survived long enough for a third issue as Phillips closed his Buntingville store and opened a new one in Standish.


One thought on “The Buntingville Breeze”

  1. Your picture of Buntingville is appreciated!!
    To the left is the school I attended-53/54/55?,
    We lived on the “DAY” ranch, in front of the house was the oldest cemetery in the country.
    The stone marked the first white man killed by Indians in the valley!

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