Secret Valley’s First Settlers

Hopkins claim recorded in Book A, Page 42 of Lassen County Premptions

Asa Fairfield and W.N. Davis, Jr., are well known for their writings on the early history of Lassen County. For some odd reason when it came to that of Secret Valley, they missed some records. Accordingly, both men have Jacob McKissick as the first locator of Secret Valley in 1868. In 1870, a member of the McKissick clan built the first cabin in Secret Valley.

Actually, to set the record straight, it was a woman, Melissa Turner who filed the first land claim to Secret Valley on September 15, 1864. Three days later, Daniel Hopkins filed for water rights to Warm Springs Creek, adjoining Turner’s claim. What is also interesting to note, is they both specifically note the area being designated as Secret Valley. What became of the duo, or how long they remained is not known.

On a final note, Warm Springs is now known as Tipton Springs that has a temperature of 70 degrees.

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