Rosendale – Lassen County

Amedee, 1913. Courtesy of Tom Armstrong

While today, the east side of Honey Lake may look bleak and barren, it was not always the case and there were numerous attempts to develop it. In 1915, Rosendal Minster envisioned a Scandinavian settlement south of Amedee. Minster had a lease/option to purchase the lands and the pumping plant of the Standish Water Company. He then formed the Farmer’s Land Company to operate the holdings.. The properties were split into 40-acre tracts with a price range of $45 to $65 per acre. The new settlement was named Rosendale. While Minster vigorously promoted the project, but due to debts he quickly accrued, he abandoned it the following year.


One thought on “Rosendale – Lassen County”

  1. After 77 years I have found the answer to what that old structure was doing there. When I was 6 years old my parent and several members of my family went to that hot springs on Easter to boil eggs. Being a 6 year old that boiling water was very scary . But the old half destroyed building we stopped to look at was very haunting, I can remember hanging on tight to my dads hand when we were exploring inside. I thought it was mostly made of rock or concrete. maybe a bank . any way all my life from time to time it would come to mind . Now I know why that old structure was there ,At time “1942” That was the only thing standing of that town.

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