On November 3, 1951 the Janesville School Board sold its old schoolhouse to Al Row for $350. Row then moved the structure to his property. It should be noted that in 1948, the Janesville voters had approved a bond measure to build a new school.
The sale of old schools was common back in the day. In 1901, Fred Hall purchased the old Susanville school, dismantled it and then used the lumber to build his ranch house near Standish. When Poplar School located on Mapes Lane, near present day Dakin Unit of Fish & Game, closed in 1935, Orlo Bailey purchased it and moved it the family ranch and it was used as a bunkhouse. In 1971, the old Bonham School at Flanigan was purchased by Standish resident Ed Bass and he moved it to his property. Then in other instances old schools become converted into residences such as Bird Flat, Honey Lake, Johnstonville, Lake, Milford, and Richmond.