Quincy Union Newspaper

Main Street, Susanville, 1864.

While sifting through some notes, I came across these items from the Quincy Union newspaper of the 1860s. Regional newspapers such as The Territorial Enterprise (Virginia City) to the Marysville Daily Appeal provided coverage of the Honey Lake environs. So here are some tidbits.

January 3, 1864 – They have a rabbit mine at Honey Lake. On one day 400 of those animals were sent to the Virginia City market.

January 30, 1864 – Hay is selling for $80-$100 per ton in Honey Lake. There is no hay in Sierra Valley.

March 5, 1864 – The farmers in Honey Lake are busily at work ploughing, sowing, repairing and improving their ranches.

September 17, 1864 – The new jail in Susanville is in course of erection and when completed will be an ornament to the town and very convenient. It is built of Roop granite found in the quarry near the town.

September 15, 1866 – Post Offices at Black Rock. Post offices have been established at Spring City and Hardin City. W.H. Vanalstine is appointed postmaster at Spring City and Charles Nixon at Hardin City. This will be of a great accommodation for the Black Rockers.

29 September 1866 – On the Way. Alvaro Evans of Long Valley has a quartz mill on the road for Black Rock. They expect to have it put up and running by the first of November. (Note: This mill was moved to Hayden Hill in 1871)


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