Petroglyph Humor?

Sunrise Chamber, 2015, at Belfast

While sifting through papers in search of something, I came across this interesting tid bit from the Lassen Mail of March 13, 1936.

”CCC workers in the Secret Valley camp are wondering this week if they have discovered ancient Indian inscriptions or merely run across the work of some amateur cartoonist who was whiling away his time with little stone hatchet.

”An aged Indian revealed several inscriptions to camp workers, carved in rocks in the vicinity of the CCC camp claiming that said marks are relics of the dim and distant past. Photographs were taken of the inscriptions and are now in the possession of the foreman of the camp.

”If the negatives turn out to be replicas of Mickey Mouse, it is generally believed that the ancient Indian’s stock will drop several points.”

P.S. – Those interested in petroglyphs will not want to miss out the annual Summer Solstice Sunrise Tour.


One thought on “Petroglyph Humor?”

  1. Just found your site. Very interesting.
    Fine picture of the sunrise chamber at Belfast. Janet and I visited there last Oct.
    The item about petroglyphs in Secret Valley area near old CCC camp raises my curiosity.
    I have a 1960 Nevada State Museum publication by Frances Riddell which is a study of the Honey Lake Paiute people.
    The data was gathered from elder members of the Joaquin family. It came with a detailed map labeling principal features with Paiute and English names. You may be interested in taking a look at it when we pass thru in the future from Tucson.

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