Onward Ho!

Courtesy of Lola L. Tanner

This is not your typical post. Some may recall back in March 2023, I had some what of a technological meltdown. One of the major obstacles was with the old computer, I was able scan photographs, but not able electronically transfer them to this site. Thus, I limped along, putting scans on a thumb drive, going to the local library,  to use their public computers to upload said photographs. Through the kind generosity a person provided me with an up-to-date computer. I did need to do some ancillary updates and now I am firing on all four cylinders. While for you the reader, this all behind scene news, yet it now frees up time for me to do research on future posts without obstacles. A special thanks goes out to those wonderful people who made it all happen.



3 thoughts on “Onward Ho!”

  1. Tim, Technology is super — when it works! When it doesn’t, it is a true challenge for use vintage folks. Keep on going.

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