Odometer Day

Well, it is that time of year again, when a few years back I made my debut at Susanville’s now defunct Riverside Hospital. As is customary, this one day I take the day off from regular duties. Then again, I might take the opportunity to get a head start in the photograph selection of the 2022 calendar.


7 thoughts on “Odometer Day”

  1. Just think of what we would have missed if you had not made
    that trip. We would have been so empty for you have brought
    sunshine to my life and many others. Hope the trip to Reno
    went well. Happy Birthday if you keep on your wheels we won’t have to look for a odometer reset button .
    Dave Z

  2. Did your aunt Irene start your odometer? How great that would have been. Lots of history these last few years and I have loved all your posts. Please keep up the great work. We know it is work.

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