Manzanita Lake

Manzanita Lake

Many people may not be aware that when Lassen Volcanic National Park was established in 1916, it did not include Manzanita. Lake, however, it is one of the most photographed spots in the park, with Lassen Peak in the background.

In 1928, Lassen Park Superintendent L.W. Collins approached Pacific Gas & Electric who owned the lake for a possible sale. The lake had no potential for hydroelectric development, but Collins feared that PG&E would develop a resort, or create a subdivision for summer cabins. Nothing materialized.

In 1929,  Congressman’s Harry L. Englebright’s park expansion bill that included Manzanita and nearby Reflection Lake was approved.  In that same year, National Park Service Horace Albright met with PG&E officials concerning Manzanita. Albright informed the company that they did not have the funds to purchase the lake at this time, but he was able to persuade the company not to sell the property to developers. The company agreed. Negotiations continued and in 1931, the park purchased Manzanita Lake at the bargain price of $15,000.



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