Lassen High’s 1907 Valedictorian

Lassen County High School, circa 1908

On June 21, 1907, Lassen County High School held its first graduation ceremony. It should be noted that in 1906, there was a three year-commercial course of graduates. The Class of 1907 consisted of Medford Arnold, Hanchen Lesser, Lena Cahlan, Jessie Hulsman, Evelyn Hulsman, Ralph Taylor, Jeanette Alexander, Kate Deforest, Ruth Hemler, Wright Spalding and Percy Holmes.

Evelyn Hulsman was the Class Valedictorian and the following is a synopsis of her speech that appeared in the Lassen Advocate, June 28, 1907: “Nemesis of an Amateur” was the theme of Valedictorian, Miss Evelyn Hulsman. The young lady had gone to Shakespeare for inspiration and in the pictured career of MacBeth she found it. Vividly with well chosen language she retold the story of MacBeth’s machinations, his great crime and the disastrous consequences to himself when ‘Great Birnam wood to high. Dunsine hill,’ came against him and sword Manduff put an end to his unworthy ambitions. Miss Hulsman’s effort was a notable one in many particulars. It was delivered with strong dramatic effect and token conscientious preparation. It is much too long for reproduction in these columns. A fact we regret.


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