Lassen County Cemeteries

A Susanville Cemetery Receipt

In 1899, the Lassen County Board of Supervisors addressed the cemetery issue. The problem at hand, all the cemeteries were on private property, even though the burials were public internments. In a housekeeping measure the county began making arrangements with the different property owners to secure title. The first to convey property was Thomas J. Durfee who on May 23, 1899 deeded over the Mountain View Cemetery near Bieber. The majority of the other cemeteries were done in 1901. Buelah  Meylert conveyed Janesville; William H. Roney conveyed Hillside Cemetery; Alex and Susan Arnold Susanville; H.H. Dakin Janesville and the Doyle aka Long Valley was a convoluted mess with George Greeno, John Robinson, Charles Harwood and Robert Dooley all signing the deed. It was not until 1909, when the county deemed Ash Valley a public cemetery, that was located on land owned by the county.

Once cemeteries were deeded to the County, it was then the Lassen County Surveyor’s job to survey and lay plots in each one. Once that was done, the county began charging for cemetery lots.



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