Lassen College Gunsmithing Program

Lassen College
Lassen College on the Lassen Union High School campus.

Back in 1989 I briefly corresponded with Jerry King, a 1950 Lassen College gunsmithing graduate. He wanted to know what became of C.W. Frost. He wrote, “At that time Mr. Frost was the only gunsmithing instructor and had been since he and one student began the program in 1945 . . . I think it is only fair that Mr. Frost be recognized and Harlan Fritts be recognized for their part in founding the gunsmithing program.”

In addition, Mr. King sent me a copy of one page from the Lassen College yearbook for 1950 which included a brief history of the first five years of the gunsmithing program.

“The gunsmithing division of Lassen Junior College first came into being in September 1945. Harlan Fritts, the first student, approached Mr.C.W. Frost, at that time the Lassen Union High School industrial arts teacher, about obtaining a junior college course in gunsmithing. Mr. Frost had been a custom gunsmith before the war, and although tools were lacking for such a course it was started on a trial basis.

“Throughout the year of 1945-46 Harlan was the one and only student, and, although no advertising was released, the year of 1946-47 saw twelve new members enrolled in this course.

“In the year 1947-48 school year the enrollment jumped to twenty-one, and in the 1948-49 school year the enrollment was at thirty-two.

“This year (1949-50) the enrollment is up to forty-seven with 138 requests for admission turned down due to limited facilities.

“Throughout the past five years that this division has been in operation many changes have been noted. Mr. Frost is now strictly a Junior College gunsmithing instructor. Other changes have come about: moving into a separate building, the addition of many new metal working tools, along with a large set of special tools to be used in instruction in this course.

“At the present time, students represented twelve states: Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Montana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ohio, New York, Massachussetts, Idaho and Illinois.”

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