Lasco Lumberjacks

Camp Lasco—Jean Kern

The loggers of Lasco, the logging camp of the Lassen Lumber & Box Company were an energetic bunch during what limited off time they had. Many worked twelve or more hours a day, six days a week*

However, whenever an opportunity arose for that hardy bunch to recreate, they did so with gusto. Their annual Logger’s Ball in July was legendary.  These men, also, enjoyed in partaking in a part of America’s pastime—baseball. They named their team the “Lasco Lumberjacks.” These guys just enjoyed playing ball and they hosted a lot of ball games. One that caught my interest was an interesting and an unusual adversary—Lassen Union High School. It did not matter who won or lost, the bottom line was everyone who played or was a spectator just a had a good time.

*In 1918, Lassen Lumber & Box Company established its sawmill/box factory in Susanville. It differed from its two competitors—Fruit Growers Supply Company and Red River Lumber Company—as its initial sole supply of timber came from the  Lassen National Forest.


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