Lake Earl versus Lake Almanor

Lake Almanor

The 1902 plans for a reservoir to flood Big Meadows, now Lake Almanor gave it a designation as Lake Earl, after one of the investors of the Great Western Power Company. Over the years, the name was abandoned. When newly created reservoir began to fill up it was christened Lake Almanor, after Guy Earl’s three daughters. One of the daughters, Alice Wilder recalled the origin of the name: “Mr. Julius Howells [the engineer] was a welcome guest in our home who said children call me Uncle Julius. He asked my father to name the new lake. My father and mother spent many hours finding a name they liked. It had to have a name pleasing to the ear, it had to be readily pronounced, spelled and easily read. They did not want a foreign name and were not fond of surnames. They wanted to name it after their four children. Alice, Martha, Elsinore and Guy. Many combinations to these names were attempted. It was hard to get Guy in. Finally my father settled for a name that was simple and musical and of which three of the four children would be part-and also in the right order-eldest, next eldest and youngest. The lake was named Almanor.  The AL for Alice, MA forth Martha and The NOR for Elsinore.”


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