Juniper Jim & Lassen County Court Records

Madeline Plains, June 2004

In 1894, James “Juniper Jim” Roussell located at Post Camp on the Madeline Plains. Those were hardly souls to eke out a living on the plains. In 1913, he was charged with cattle rustling, but was acquitted. There is a full account of the episode in Donald T. Garate’s book Red Rock to Ravendale.

There was a recent inquiry about this event and that concerning the Lassen County Superior Court records. The original records from 1864 to the mid-1920s were never microfilmed and the last time I inspected them they were intact. But a lot has changed since then. With Lassen County Courthouse renovation under way, those records, as well all others were removed. It is my understanding, I could be wrong, the court records were transferred to the Lassen County Hall Of Justice.    My experiences with that facility has not been pleasant even to obtain copies of a court case in the 1970s. A request was submitted and was informed I would receive a call when the copies were made. That five years ago, and I never heard back. Others have relayed similar circumstances. So I am unable to answer the question about the court records, their existence or access.


4 thoughts on “Juniper Jim & Lassen County Court Records”

  1. Tim, I am now presiding judge and will make every effort to change the problems you have experienced with the new court. can we meet next week?
    best, Mark

    1. Thank you Your Honor. As someone who has also been frustrated with the inability to get public information, I appreciate your desire and willingness to assist. Regards, Colleen

  2. Tim,

    Thanks for your work in keeping our history and traditions alive. These are important things for a community and society. There are some who want to erase history and abandon traditions. But these things give us context for who we are and where we have come from.

  3. Thank you for pursuing and sharing historic information not just pertinent to the area but also just as important to California’s history and people who are in search of information regarding their ancestors who lived and settled in Lassen County. You are an invaluable resource in preserving and sharing Lassen County’s place in history. You have helped my family for more than fifty years now and we are forever grateful for your assistance.

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