Thanks to Francis Riddell’s work on the Honey Lake Paiute Ethnography we know how the Paiutes named their landmarks. Let’s start with Secret Valley which was referred as Sawa nona “Brush Set.” A little to the south is Mud Flat, which was referred to as tubisha nuna. What makes this place unique, in wet years it is covered with water. In the summer, when the water recedes, it then covered with a blanket of wild sunflowers. This made it a favorite place for the Paiutes to gather sunflower seeds.
Bald Mountain was referred to as Guha kaive, for a plant they called guha, which is a small perennial herb known as Mentzelia. Thompson Peak T’kwangud which translate to “tower.” The area of Milford was known as Mata. This was the most important winter village of the Honey Lake Paiute. The southern territory of the Paiute extended to near present day Doyle. They referred to Long Valley Creek as Ak wug—sucker. It was important source for suckers which they caught in large numbers and dried them for winter use. It should be noted that Joaquin was born at Long Valley and was the last headman of the Honey Lake Paiute.