Honey Lake Oranges

McKay Residence
McKay Residence on Alexander Lane, Standish circa 1915. It is still there in a modified state. Photograph courtesy of Jessie Lowe

Back in the 1970s, when I first doing my research, I came across real estate promoters literature of the 1890s about the balmy climate around Amedee and it being ideal for citrus production. Of course, we know that is not true, but there was a lot of deceptive literature just waiting to fleece some strangers hard earned money.

While doing research on the Standish book, that I will never do, for lack of interest, one of the area’s residents came up with a unique marketing plan to sell his crops. Frank B. McKay needed to come up with a ploy to make his produce stand out from the others. Word spread that he had a new specialty of oranges, when it fact that large orange orbs he offered for sale, were known to many as the standard pumpkin.

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