Honey Lake Justice

Honey Lake Justice

This was the third book I wrote, published in 1993. It was something, I had forgotten about, until this summer when I met Vicki Pardee who was on an adventure in this area back in June. She is not directly related to the Susanville Pardee’s she is still intrigued to say the least. While I would go on to write some twenty books, this is the only with a foreword. I asked Jim Pardee, not only a local attorney, a friend, but also the senior member of the bar. In addition, his grandfather Julien Pardee and father James “Gus” Pardee were also attorneys.

This is what Jim wrote: “We live in age of excess—and on occasion it is good to have these pointed out, directly or indirectly, so that we can endeavor to do better the next time around. I am sure that Mr. Purdy didn’t intend to preach or point the finger. However, when you read his book and are brought to realize that people brought suit to recover $63.65 for a month’s lodging, $51.50 for back wages, and finally a ar bill for 23 drinks at 25 cents a drink for a total of $5.75; we can’t help but reason that inflation in today’s market has gone mad.

The foregoing preliminary observation is not the main theme of Mr. Purdy’s book. With a broad sweep of his brush, he chronicles the working of the Lassen Justice Court from its inception. He reminds us that the Justice Court was the people’s court; the judges were laymen, and many of the early practitioners had questionable legal backgrounds. However, by and large, justice was done.

As senior member of the Lassen County Bar and a practitioner in Lassen County for forty-four years, I have observed the court and the personnel change from a laymen Justice of the Peace to a lawyer Justice Court Judge.

Mr. Purdy’s endeavors cover only a limited space in time. It leaves the reader asking for more. Hopefully, there will be a sequel reaching well into the Twentieth Century.”

Note: I do have some copies of this slim volume available. It is not enough to warrant a listing on the book feature page. If anyone wants one it is $10 includes shipping. One way to pay is go to the subscribe page and go to donate. Or for those who have an aversion of buying online, just email me your address, and I will send it to you on the honor system.



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