Hayden Hill It Is!

W.T. Summers Boarding House, Hayden Hill, 1894—Del & Diane Poole

During the recent Ask Tim segment, someone had two Hayden Hill questions. One was about the 1890 mining accident that claimed the  lives of Frank Auble and William Dunbar. The other concerns the town’s disastrous fire of 1910.  I am in midst of composing an interesting tale of the abrupt closure of the town’s largest mine the  Golden Eagle in 1907.

Finally, a little bit about today’s featured photograph. Hayden Hill was a peculiar mining community. Through all of its ups and downs, the town never boasted a bona fide hotel. Instead of hotels, the town had boarding houses for the mine workers, which also provided rooms for the transient travelers. My great grand Aunt Rose (Murrer) Bagin operated one at Hayden Hill, and when she finally moved to Reno, had a basement full of brass bed frames from her Hayden Hill days.


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