Happy New Year!

The Honey Lake sail boat regatta, 1987.

Well, we certainly covered a wide variety of topics in 2016. This year we will continue to do the same. Recently, I unearthed new material relating to Leon Bly and his failed Eagle Lake project.   I also look forward to visiting some obscure historical sites to photograph and share them with everyone.  So sit back, and  relax in knowing there is plenty in store for 2017. Don’t forget you can always go back and examine prior posts, which there are some 700+.

I also hope, that some of the readers will step up to the plate to subscribe.  While there is a following of some 9,000 readers a month, less than 100 actually subscribe and/or donate. So, I hope a few will surprise me with a contribution, after there are various costs to maintain the site, such as host/server and domain fees.

Support by subscribing.

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