Franz Nelson, One of Many

Dr. McCash’s bill for tending to Franz Nelson

We may never know much about Frederick “Franz” Nelson, a Swede, and he was far from an isolated case. He appeared on the scene in Big Valley in 1879. Like a lot of others, he struggled on a day to day basis just to get by, working as a day laborer for anyone who would hire him for a task.

When Nelson suffered from general Dropsy, he became Lassen County’s resonsibility as an indigent to take care of him. Unable to care for himself was taken Adin and housed in the Modoc Hotel, as was customary then, there being no other option available. S.C. Moers, the proprietor billed Lassen County for board and nursing at a dollar a day for sixteen days, until Nelson’s passing on January 30, 1880. Dr. C.A. McCash, also of Adin submitted bills for Nelson’s care, but also the cost to bury him in the Adin Cemetery.


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