Find A Grave – Lassen Cemetery

Lassen Cemetery Entrance

subscriber wanted to know why the Find-A-Grave website did not have the listings for the Lassen Cemetery located on Chestnut Street, Susanville. I have no use for this organization and their tactics. I have spent countless hours conducting headstone census of all the Lassen County Cemeteries, which you can examine elsewhere on this site. In one fell swoop, they lifted all my work and put it on their website, without my consent or knowledge. When I confronted them, they were belligerent and hostile, and they reluctantly removed some of my work, but not all.


One thought on “Find A Grave – Lassen Cemetery”

  1. Hi, Tim
    I am sorry for the way you were treated. But I would like to
    make two points. F.A. G. has changed hands in the last few
    month. Second we are losing so much local History by not
    being able to add photo, biographies and obituaries which
    add to life of our departed. It becomes a tribute and not
    just a cold stone with numbers. It’s your county and you
    have done far more for it than anyone else so that’s fine.

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